As for now currently there's no liveable place rather than Earth. However we tend to suppose life on Kepler-452b, Kepler-186f, Gliese 581g, Kepler-22b, HD 40307g, HD 85512b and there are many more planets
I) Kepler-452b
Image: NASA |
Kepler-452b is a exoplanet also known as Super-Earth which is orbiting within the inner edge of the habitable zone of the sunlike star Kepler-452. It is located about 1,800 light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Cygnus.
- Distance to Earth: 1,402 light years
- Gravity: 18.63 m/s²
- Discovered: 23 July 2015
- Radius: 9,556.5 km
- Coordinates: RA 19h 44m 1s | Dec +44° 16′ 39″
- Star: Kepler-452
- Temperature: Teq: 265 Kelvin (−8 °C; 17 °F)
II) Kepler-186f
Image: NASA |
Kepler-186f is an exoplanet which is orbiting within the red dwarf Kepler-186, about 500 light-years away from Earth. It was the first ever planet with similar radius to Earth's that has been discovered in the habitable zone of another star.
- Distance to Earth: 557.7 light years
- Discovered: 17 April 2014
- Star: Kepler-186
- Mean radius: 1.17 ± 0.08 REarth
- Discovered by: Elisa Quintana
- Eccentricity: 0.04
- Semi-major axis: 0.432 ± 0.01 AU
III) Gliese 581g
Image: NASA |
Gliese 581g , unofficially named as Zarmina's worlds or Zarmina, is an unofficial exoplanet claimed to orbit within the Gliese 581 system, 20 light years away from the Earth. This planet is officially not confirmed as consensus for its existence could not be reached.
- Distance to Earth: 20.42 light years
- Star: Gliese 581
- Temperature: 242 Kelvin (−31 °C; −24 °F) to 261 Kelvin (−12 °C; 10 °F)
- Discovered by: Steven S. Vogt et al.
- Discovery date: September 29, 2010
- Eccentricity: 0
- Semi-major axis: 0.13 AU (19,000,000 km)
IV) Kepler-22b
Image: NASA |
Kepler-22b is an exoplanet which is orbiting within the habitable zone of the Sunlike star Kepler-22. It is about 600 light-years away from the Earth in the constellation of Cygnus.
- Distance to Earth: 587.1 light years
- Radius: 15,290 km
- Discovered: 5 December 2011
- Star: Kepler-22 (KOI-087)
- Discovered by: Kepler Science Team
- Eccentricity: 0
- Semi-major axis: 0.849 ± 0.018 AU (127,000,000 ± 2,700,000 km)
V) HD 40307 g
Image: NASA |
HD 40307 g is an exoplanet that is suspected to be orbiting in the habitable zone of HD 40307. about 42 light-years away from the Earth in the direction of the southern constellation Pictor.
- Distance to Earth: 42 light years
- Gravity: 13.93 m/s²
- Radius: 15,227 km
- Orbital period: 198 days
- Discovered: 28 October 2012
- Temperature: 277.6
- Discoverer: Mikko Tuomi
VI) HD 85512b
Image: NASA |
HD 85512 b is an exoplanet which is orbiting HD 85512, it is a K-dwarf or orange dwarf i.e. approx 36 light-years away from the Earth in the constellation of Vela.
- Distance to Earth: 36.2 light years
- Radius: 8,282.3 km
- Orbital period: 54 days
- Discovered: 17 August 2011
- Discoverer: Stéphane Udry
- Star: HD 85512
- Temperature: 298 Kelvin (25 °C; 77 °F)
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